Wednesday, February 23, 2005

This is scary... here are the site stats from my blog... people from around the world actually read my blog... why? Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Network Magic - Home Networking Software

Has potential... a review will follow... Network Magic - Home Networking Software

For Francis, who just reported 2 inchs of snow in 2 hours in the centre of London. Check it out over at FlogIt!

The 8-Bit Construction Set

Theses guys do Digital *to* Analog conversions and save data to vinyl! They also use Atari and Commodore units to produce music. Retro redefined. But is it *good* music? If you can get some, let me know... The 8-Bit Construction Set: "beigerecords"

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saw the boy this weekend in Sydney. Had a great time chasing birds in the park, going for "coffee" with Dad and playing with Sunny. We can almost have a conversation now! He is starting to chain words together and he is developing a pesonality... cheeky... just like Dad... Posted by Hello

My brother just had a mental episode because he thinks that you can randomly rip stuff out of a computer with no effect

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

a geek and his music...

Just in case you really feel the need; you can now subscribe via RDF/RSS to my “currently playing” list… It will push out a feed for every track I play in iTunes…


Cool huh? No?




Can This Black Box See Into the Future?

RedNova News - Can This Black Box See Into the Future?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Saturns own "Death Star"

Saturns own "Death Star": Saturn's moon Mimas has many large craters, but its Herschel crater dwarfs all the rest. This large crater 130 kilometers wide (80 miles) has a prominent central peak, seen here almost exactly on the terminator. This crater is the moon's most prominent feature, and the impact that formed it probably nearly destroyed Mimas. Mimas is 398 kilometers (247 miles) across. Posted by Hello

Happy Valentines Day! Posted by Hello

Friday, February 11, 2005

A man was stabbed and several people were crushed when 6,000 bargain-hunters flocked to the midnight sale of a new IKEA furniture store in London. Sources said the man "had a screw loose", others said "he was one screw short of a bookcase" Posted by Hello

Dan is back!

A Geek And His Music...

Here is a link to my audioScrobbler music profile: Just in case you really feel the need; you can now subscribe via RDF/RSS to my “currently playing” list… It will push out a feed for every track I play in iTunes… Cool huh? No? c.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Audioscrobbler Browser 0.2

This is cool. Type an artist in and get a visual link to associated artists. Cant explain it fully... try it out! Clink on any found artist to focus on them.Audioscrobbler Browser 0.2

The Human Clock - A Photo for Every Minute of the Day

See... my "world wide database of the world" idea is one step closer to reality... and you thought i was crazy... crazy... *CRAZY*... hee hee hee... 8-S The Human Clock - A Photo for Every Minute of the Day

PodBrix . 1000 brix in your pocket

PodBrix . 1000 brix in your pocket

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"Crackdown" on low pants

Virginians who wear their pants so low their underwear shows may want to think about investing in a stronger belt. Lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday authorizing a $50 fine for anyone who displays his or her underpants in a "lewd or indecent manner."

Solar Cell Implant May Restore Some Sight for the Blind

Solar Cell Implant May Restore Some Sight for the Blind | Science Blog

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Blowing bubbles

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Up at the secret campsite. Very good day with Felix in the turtle pool. He can say "tur-tle"and lots of other words. We played with bugs and let the ducks eat from our hands. How do you teach a little boy the difference between bugs and spiders?

Friday, February 04, 2005

I might know someone to send one of these to... >:-|

'Crazy for You' bears sit on a counter for sale at the Vermont Teddy Bear Company in Shelburne, Vt., Monday, Jan. 31, 2005. The company has agreed to cease 'all future production and marketing' of a 'Crazy For You' bear that had angered advocates for the mentally ill, four advocacy groups said Thursday, Feb. 3. Company spokeswoman Nicole L'Huillier said a statement issued by the four groups was 'a little bit inaccurate,' but would not elaborate, saying the company would issue a statement later. (AP Photo/TobyTalbot)  Posted by Hello

iTunes tricks - Delete from playlist

G'day, One annoying thing for me was that it appeared that you couldn’t remove a track from your *disk* when browsing a playlist or smart playlist. For example, I have a smart playlist for live music only. If I see a duplicate in that list I would normally have to mark it somehow, got back to the library, find it, then delete it. NO LONGER MUST I ENDURE THIS TORTURE!!! Simply press Shift + Delete in the playlist! Easy as…

Make your very own Jerry Springer Show!

VW Polo Terrorist Ad

The new VW Polo ad featuring a suicide bomber. Not bad. What are people complaining about!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Oh... my... f**king GOD!!! This is all ive ever wanted... now the world is mine... MINE... MIIIIINNNEEEEE!!!!! beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Keyhole

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Project Blinkenlights have software that allows them to create games of Pac Man, Tetris and Breakout using the sides of office buildings and the buildings’ lights. You can even play the game by calling a number on your cell phone and then pressing different buttons to control the action.  Posted by Hello

'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

Telegraph | News | 'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'

3rd in the MaxAdventure 24hr Race

Did the Maximum Adventure 24 hour challenge on the weekend. What an epic! We placed 3rd in our category (team of 2) and 8th overall. I think thats a great result considering that this is my first 24 hour event, I have never kayaked before and never absieled before! Also, we ran out of lights on the bike leg and therefore had to absiel using a single LED eveready keychain light, Graeme broke his frame with 10km to go so we used gaffer tape to "fix" it. Everything that could possibly go wrong did but it was fantastic. My brain became so starved for, well, everything that I actually "saw things" including three race officials off in the distance that werent actually there! Ill have the map scanned soon for further analysis... (full results found in the link above) Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Japanese toilet control... I love the icons on the buttons! Buggered if I know what the big red one is for... maybe thats if you didnt quite make it in time... Posted by Hello