Camping With Mim
You are riding along on a 9 year old hardtail. You know that the front rim is (waaay too) concave and you even have another rim you can replace it with but you are too lazy to fix it "Just one more ride..."
You embark on a two day polaris style ride up in the St Albans area. After a nice downhill section, halfway through day 1, you realise that the rim is blown and the brakes are seriously rubbing on the crack. You ignore if for 10 more k's. It gets worse. Its sticking out 2mm and the crack is along the run of the rim and is about 3cm long.
You have gaffer tape, wire, zip ties, pocket knife a multi tool, and most of all you have a desperate desire to keep riding as you are trying to impress a lovelly young lass...
What do you do?
A: I took off the tyre and built up a new wall out of a thick layer of gaffer tape. I was thinking about using a length of wire as a "bridge" but this was fiddly and I wasnt sure how much it would help as the crack was along the middle of the wall of the rim. I taped tightly around the rim as well. This of course meant that I could not use the front brakes. I rode slowly for quite a while and the blow out got a little larger untill it stretched into the seat of the tape and then it stayed constant. I got brave toward the end of day 2 and clocked up 55km/h on some descents!
All hail gaffer tape.
All that and I got the girly too! :-)