Happy 3rd BlogDay!
Well, its the Blogs Birthday and she's 3 today! I guess this last year has been pretty interesting ;-) 11 months ago I met the love of my life... Mimi. She is the *best* person in the whole world so basically anyone who isnt me is very unlucky indeed. Mim is the *best# thing that has ever happened to me (well, ok, maybe the birth of Felix wins). This year Mim and I have done so many things that I would fill up my whole blogspace just listing them. I love the fact that we have so many similar interests, but on the other hand we are different in many ways too... but our differences are compatible! I guess I have to thank Rob "always the bridesmaid" Saliba for introducing us. Cheers mate. Mim makes me feel very special and I only hope I make her feel just as good. ...Anyway, Im being really soppy... Ill go now before it gets any worse... Happy Birthday Blog. :)