Monday, December 18, 2006

vacuum cleaners suck

vacuum cleaners suck
Originally uploaded by cnschulz.
Mim and i went vacuum cleaner shopping. My desire to feed my high-tech habit, fear of getting ripped of and general indecisiveness left Min a little, well... frayed... I believe her last words before passing out were "please... Just... Buy... A fucking VACUUM CLEANER!" she still loves me :-)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Santa's Toy Hunt and Santa Tracker in Google Earth

Google has just released a special Santa Tracker for Google Earth this year! On previous years, Google has had a Santa tracker which let you watch Santa make deliveries all over the Earth using Google Earth on Christmas Eve. This year, they have started a bit earlier with a game to find a toy for each of the 12 days before Christmas. Not only that, but the new version uses 3D models created with SketchUp of Santa's North Pole home, his sleigh, and the toys you find are in 3D as well.

Google Earth Blog: Santa's Toy Hunt and Santa Tracker in Google Earth

Video: Tony vs paul

Saturday, December 02, 2006