Thursday, November 11, 2004

Did this person even *listen* to the album!?

I read this review of ...Atomic Bomb:,,4-2004472286,00.html I dont think the writer has even listened to the album. I do NOT think that this is anywhere near U2's best. Most of this album is cliched radio trash. The album does not flow well, it has no memorable moments and vertigo sticks out like a jagged shard of glass in comparison to the rest of the boorish nonsense. The album takes me nowhere and gives me nothing. Wasn't even worth the bandwidth. However, I am not going to bash U2 for this album... They have 10 other albums that, in their own way, rock. We all make mistakes... I guess I just anticipated a better result based on the first release and the promise of more of the same from the marketing companies. Give me a week or two with this album... maybe Ill uncover some hidden meaning and develop a connection to this album. But for now this album is the runt child of Bono... and deserves to be kicked out of the nest.

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