Saturday, April 30, 2005

Camp chow. Mmmm. Gday from tamworth...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Kaiser Chiefs - Employment...Tasty album... got that indie feel but a fully rounded production. Catchy lyrics and melodies...and you guessed it... a bit of synth to top it off! :) Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

In Engrish Prease

Yes, I am really bored today...
Recent Discoveries | Index

Feeling a little Needie? Created by Amos Bloomberg, Daniel Perlin, and Brett Schultz at NYU and designed by Emily Ryan, they reflect the seamy (pun, uh, intended) underbelly of stuffed toys that have "complex relationships" with their owners (read: they're clingy and codependent). Squeeze them, hold them, just don't be surprised when they stop singing, cooing, and shamelessly flattering you, and instead start demanding you throw the other Needies around or act all paranoid that they're not getting enough attention. In other words, it's the perfect substitute for a relationship. Posted by Hello

Im on sooooo many watch-lists for this... but...

Here is a Google Maps link to President Dubya's Texas Ranch...
Google Maps

Dawn Of The Space Elevator

Now if *I* said I had invented a space elevator... you would have rolled your eyes and told me to shutup. Well HA! Someone did invent a space elevator so *you* shutup!
Dawn Of The Space Elevator : Sploid

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The beloved Czech tabloid BLESK says new Czech P.M. Jiri Paroubek is the real-life version of Springfield’s Mayor Quimby, that wacky cartoon politician who never met a bribe or a bimbo he didn’t like.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sea Anemone Clock

aaron tang: "The clock also bounces away from the origin, due to the rumbling, thus creating another challenge of getting out of bed and chasing the clock around the room"

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I can assure you that I feel worse than my shoes look! We came 11th in the ANZAC 24 hour Rogaine on the weekend. We covered over 70km and climbed 2.5km. We were completely and utterly lost for over 3 hours but some excellent night nav and a superb ridge line attack in the early hours earned us a significant point score. A last minute grab for points saw us running over the finish line with 6 minutes to spare. An epic adventure indeed. Posted by Hello

Let me assure you, i feel worse than my shoes look. We did fantastically given that we were lost for four hours. After 3 hours of lost-ness we just decided to head for the sound of the cars on the freeway. We were so mentally drained that when we arrived at a sign posted track junction that was marked on the map, we decided that "we could not possibly be there" so we spent the next 30 minutes to come up with the idea "bugger it lets just assume we are here cause its all we got". After some fabulous night nav followed by a wicked ridge line attack in the early hours, we managed to to secure 11th place and a suspected fracture in my foot. Now i am going to eat like an anaconda and sleep all winter...

Cold dark lost.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Yahoo! 360 - My Page

Yep, I scammed me an invite... Im gunna check it out and see what its like. Seems the MoBlogging isnt working (might have to be on a US carrier!). Looks good though... If you want an invite send me an email. Yahoo! 360� - My Page

::guimp pong:: world's smallest pong game

PONG keeps on setting records... seems that PONG is the "hello world" of the gaming community... ::guimp pong:: world's smallest pong game

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh come on! Now you are shitting me. Shopping in marrickville is fun!

Yep. You read it correctly. Grass jelly.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Man. One of these puppies is held together with blue tac. Can you guess which one? Everytime it rains (and i have the dryer on) the fuse box decides to explode. Last time the fuse blew i replaced it with massively thick wire held in place with blue tac. Now the power doesnt go straight off... It flickers on and off for 20 panic inducing seconds until finally giving up the ghost. Answer: wait 15 mins for everything to cool down and re apply blue tac. This house is *so* the Fight Club house. I am Jacks smouldering appliances...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tetsuyas, 4th best restaurant in the world.

...and deservedly so... even at approx 300 per head! I would eat there again. Best food Ive ever eaten. 13 courses and wine to match each one... mmmmm British restaurant declared best in world - Yahoo! News

Heres my new server room. Oh yeah im taking over the network! Mmwwoo ha ha haaa!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Felix knows how to handle his "baaaad dad". We went to Luna Park today and had *heaps* of fun. Didnt know how Felix would handle the rides... He freaked out on the slippery slide and then this cute little voice asked... "more?"... up we went for one more :-) Posted by Hello

Friday, April 15, 2005

SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator

One such report actually got put into a worldwide conference! see here: ABC News SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator

911 Dispatcher Offers To Shoot Child, As Joke

CBS 2 Chicago WBBM-TV: 911 Dispatcher Offers To Shoot Child, As Joke: "Apr 14, 2005 4:18 pm US/Central WATAUGA, Texas (CBS) A 911 dispatcher in Texas is apologizing for an ill-timed wisecrack to a mother who called for help in dealing with her unruly daughter. Caller: 'The 12-year-old is completely out of control and I, I can't physically...She's as big as I am. I can't control her.' Dispatcher: 'O.K., did you want us to come over and shoot her?' (pause) Dispatcher: 'Are you there?' Caller: 'Excuse me?' Dispatcher: 'Uh, that's a joke.' The mother didn't find it very funny. The dispatcher in a suburb of Fort Worth has apologized for his response, calling it 'stupid' and 'inexcusable.' The woman says she called 911 after coming home to find her daughters fighting. She told the dispatcher her 12-year-old had kicked a hole in the door. After his comment, the dispatcher apologized and told her he was joking. He also told his supervisor what happened -- after it became clear that the caller wasn't at all amused. The police chief has written at letter to the dispatcher saying he'll be fired for 'any future unprofessional responses.' Last month, a state trooper in Connecticut was suspended for 15 days without pay, after saying 'too bad' to a 911 caller seeking help for the victim of a motorcycle accident."

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Google Video (Beta) - Video Upload Program

Google video is here! ...and you can make money from it too! WWDBoTW is just a short step away... Google Video (Beta) - Video Upload Program


If you see a dark blue commodore-like car with the NSW numberplate JIM505, let me know. The female driver of that car intentionally tried to run me over this morning because she was upset with some *other* cyclists who were "in her way" while they were riding IN THE BIKE LANE!!! Why she took it out on me ill never know. She swerved into me intentionally and connected with my foot. Its a good thing to know that people who drive fast and road-rage usually end up in flaming wrecks. Lets hope she doesnt take out anybody with her...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Massive traffic delays in and around summer hill.

Big fire at warehouse in summer hill.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

RESULTS: Dirt Works 100km Classic

I came 104th out of 500 not bad. I would have placed about 75th or so if I had not stopped for 20 mins to take photos! :) Dirt Works 100km Classic

BuzzTracker: Where is stuff happening?

buzztracker - 2005-04-10

Monday, April 11, 2005

Dirtworks 100km MTB Classic

Yep. I did it. 100km of Dirt!!!! My longest (distance-wise) MTB ride ever! Just over 6 and a half hours ending in a sprint finish. Its been a long time since Ive been that wrecked. Let me just say that the body is awesome at producing performance enhancing drugs. When you fly down a rocky descent you can actually feel the adrenalin coming on... kinda gives you gooesbumps (and maybe even a little smile!). Epedrine is different, you sort of feel a bit hyper alert but tingly, like taking too many cold and flu tablets. I just love these long events. Truly a journey of the mind as well as the body... Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I sooo wanna do this!

Bergson Winter Challenge 2005 (27 Feb - 06 Mar) Poland  Posted by Hello
Check out more pictures here

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

WWDBotW Update:

Yahoo! News - Google Adding Personal Video to Search Repertoire

Self-Steering Navigation System Lets Cars Drive Themselves

Self-Steering Navigation System Lets Cars Drive Themselves : Jalopnik

Terri Schiavo's Blog

Bad taste? Yes... ROFL? Yes... I felt quite strongly that the way Terry Shaivo died was a display of incredible cruelty. Imagine starving to death over twoo weeks and not being able to speak. BUT out of most tragedy comes humor so... lets laugh a bit and hope this never happens again. Terri Schiavo's Blog

Monday, April 04, 2005

18th in the Sydney Summer Series

Sydney Summer Series

Lets hope that the energy The Pope put into his attempts at bringing love and peace to the world is not wasted and that this energy continues to live on in the hearts and minds of all humanity... Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Drivin man

Ok. So ian gets upset because he re wired the disk adaptor and it exploded in his face. Twice. Man it was loud. And funny.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Ian makes friends with the bush. Threatens to push chris in the fire if he "helps" any more.

Hi from ian and i from tamworth

Friday, April 01, 2005

...for christophe and francis...

shoo te suk tut schooterglue on me cheef? Posted by Hello

Audioscrobbler employs "real" coders... Quote:

Audioscrobbler :: Home: "Everything is Slow The new profiles server has been burned in and it will be put live at some point this week, once we have written the code to make it work."

Google Ride Finder

I fucking invented this in 1999. Google Ride Finder

Koenigsegg 388km/h Video Download

Koenigsegg Official Website