Friday, April 15, 2005

911 Dispatcher Offers To Shoot Child, As Joke

CBS 2 Chicago WBBM-TV: 911 Dispatcher Offers To Shoot Child, As Joke: "Apr 14, 2005 4:18 pm US/Central WATAUGA, Texas (CBS) A 911 dispatcher in Texas is apologizing for an ill-timed wisecrack to a mother who called for help in dealing with her unruly daughter. Caller: 'The 12-year-old is completely out of control and I, I can't physically...She's as big as I am. I can't control her.' Dispatcher: 'O.K., did you want us to come over and shoot her?' (pause) Dispatcher: 'Are you there?' Caller: 'Excuse me?' Dispatcher: 'Uh, that's a joke.' The mother didn't find it very funny. The dispatcher in a suburb of Fort Worth has apologized for his response, calling it 'stupid' and 'inexcusable.' The woman says she called 911 after coming home to find her daughters fighting. She told the dispatcher her 12-year-old had kicked a hole in the door. After his comment, the dispatcher apologized and told her he was joking. He also told his supervisor what happened -- after it became clear that the caller wasn't at all amused. The police chief has written at letter to the dispatcher saying he'll be fired for 'any future unprofessional responses.' Last month, a state trooper in Connecticut was suspended for 15 days without pay, after saying 'too bad' to a 911 caller seeking help for the victim of a motorcycle accident."

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