Sunday, July 17, 2005

I heart The Burgh...

Originally uploaded by cnschulz.
What a top day! I was to pick up my friend laurent at 8:30 to go Orienteering at hornsby... He called me right on 8:30 and told me in a rather garbled voice that he had been out late and didnt want to come. No problem. He called back 15 mins later and changed his mind but asked that i pick him up from glebe. No problem. I saw conrad and his crew wandering around the streets of glebe when i took a wrong turn. When i arrived Laurent staggered from some girls house with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He was still drunk. Problem. Orienteering was ok for me. A difficult course saw me lose 10 minutes to error and poor route choice. Laurent on the other hand came in 1 hour later and was visibly distressed. He had stopped at a house out on the course and asked them for some sugary food! He passed out on the way home and we had burgers for lunch before parting ways. I did some bike maintenance (not quite enough as it turns out) and headed for some mtb at the burgh. Hit the trail late but prepared for the worst. The ride completely rocked as i had my new mp3 player (thanks nathan!). My new playlist kicks ass and 1200 techniques are brilliant to ride to. Unfortunately I ran into some bike troubles but after 45 minutes of invention using gaffer tape, zip ties and a stick, i was back on the trails. I could only use the large chain ring so i had to ride the trails faster and in the dark that saw me in the bushes a few times. The late start and the 45 minute delay took away my visibilty pretty fast. It was nmot 5:30pm. I switched to the headlamp when i got into the valley, where even at midday it is dark under all the foliage. This is leech country. I had to walk up one nasty ascent so i stopped the music for a while; rocking beats seem in appropriate when you are pushing your bike like a nancy. I shouldnt have turned the music off as i then heard noises in the bush that sounded *exactly* like a wild pig preparing for attack. I convinced myself that it was just a deer and put the phones back in (if i cant see or hear it, it doesnt exist). I made it out successfully (and with no leeches) and because I am windswept and interesting I decided not to end the adventure there. I drove south in search of a fish and chip bounty. My want was satisfied at Stanwell Park and I drove back up to the bald hill lookout and ate dinner overlooking wollongong. The wind was absolutely rocketing over the escarpment and I think it was coming straight from the snow. Drove home with a full stomach and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. Cant ask for more than that. :)

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