Monday, December 05, 2005

Massive New Data Update for Google Earth!

Google Earth Blog: "Google released a major update to their Google Earth database last night. The biggest update is to the UK which includes a large number of cities of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales all at 6-inch resolution. In addition, .7 meter resolution data was added for a number of cities around the world including Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt; several cities in India; Mexico City; Sydney, Australia; and several others. The Galapogos Islands had a mask fix, and even a few cities in the US were updated. In particular, check out the USGS data for Las Vegas. Here's the post at the Google Earth Community with all the details. Get out there and explore! And those of you who like adding placemarks for interesting things to look at will have a field day for a few weeks to come at least."

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