Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Jam It!

I just thought I'd share a little part of my day with you and hopefully pass on some wisdom. THE SCENARIO: I came in this morning and had a chat with a certain sales person whose name starts with "M" and ends with "ike Hargis". We chatted about his recent trip to Canberra and how cold it was. This unnamed salesperson was eating a muffin, thickly coated in Apricot Jam. I thought nothing of it at the time and went to make my breakfast. I put some toast on and went to the fridge to get my jam out. Then it struck me, "There is only one lot of jam in here...MINE!". I grabbed the jam and was further disappointed to find that not only was the jar ajar :) but jam was spilled on the side of the jar and was now all over my fingers. Tops! >:-| THE CONFRONTATION: When I confronted Mike... errr... the salesperson, he simply laughed it off lightly and explained how he had lost all of his morals in Canberra. This shattered me... how could he simply shrug me off like that! That was not just ANY jam, that was MY jam. I defined myself by that jam... He had stolen my identity, the one true thing that made me... After all, you are what you eat. ;-) THE MORAL: "You can take the Salesperson out of the city but you cant take the Salesperson out of the person" THE WARNING: Be alert, not alarmed. A salesperson may be lurking anywhere. They may even look just like you and me (but they probably dress a little snappier). From this day forth no jam is safe. Only with diligent resolve will we crush the onslaught of our pectin pilfering protagonists! c.